Private Water Systems

The Environmental Health Divison permits the construction of private water systems in Pickaway County, Ohio to ensure all private water systems are in compliance with ORC 3701.344 and OAC 3701-28. If you are building a new home, drilling a new well, replacing a well, or sealing an existing well, you must apply for a permit for construction, alterations, replacing, or sealing of a well.

Permits for Private Water System

Prior to drilling a new well, conducting alterations to an existing well, or sealing an existing well, homeowners or private water system contractors must contact our office, apply for a permit, and schedule an inspection with our office.  A site inspection is required by our office prior to issuing a permit for any new well or work done on an existing well to ensure compliance with OAC 3701-28. Once the work is completed, our office will review all paperwork submitted and complete a final inspection and take water samples to ensure the water is safe for human consumption prior to issuing final approval.

Water Samples

PCPH uses an independent EPA approved laboratory to test the water samples for a variety of possible contaminates, including but not limited to, Total Coliform, E. Coli, Nitrates, and Lead (see Fee schedule for other possible tests). Therefore, if you have an existing well and would like to have your water sampled, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Real Estate Evaluations for Private Water Systems

If you are purchasing an existing home in Pickaway County and would like for the Private Water System to be inspected, you can contact the Environmental Health Division for a real estate inspection (see Fees for associated costs). In addition to an evaluation, you can also contact our office regarding permit history of a property with an existing home and private water system.

Well Sealing Permit

If you have an existing well on your property and it is no longer in use or is abandoned, the homeowner is responsible to ensure the well or private water system is properly sealed or abandoned.  A permit is required from the local health department and sealing the well must be completed by a registered private water systems contractor. Please ensure that the PWS contractor is registered with the Ohio Department of Health (see contractor list), or if you are a homeowner seeking to seal your own well you must register with ODH. For more information on homeowner registration, click here.

Water Sample Hours

Wednesdays afternoons between 12:30pm and 4:00pm by appointment only.

Call 740-477-9667 ext 370 to schedule an appointment and determine water sample fee.


Private Water System Permit

Real Estate Application filliable

PWS Contractor List

PWS Contractor Registration

Variance Request Form


ODH Private Water Systems

ODNR Well Log Search

OEPA Division of Ground and Drinking Water

Rules and Code

OAC 3701-28

ORC 3701.344